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Learning from Progress

 This drawing bears the subtitle "Futuro arcaico" and is dedicated to Helena Norberg-Hodge, who realized that "male youth is the weak link of every society". Content or message is backed by an ambivalent and tentative motivational value. Execution is detailed/fine, limited by grain of media and motor skills. Perusal of poem is advised, as poem execution is neither limited by media grain nor by motor skills. Depicted is an imagined socialist tenement housing project enriched by fascist EUR-style architectural elements, grappling with Taoist lifestyle values of architects and inhabitants. Will harmony be achieved? Where will it end?

Learning from Progress
with poem*
Learning from Progress, Din A4 

*Who stands on toes, 
Does not stand well. 
Who walks with legs apart 
Walks not well. 
Who wants to shine, 
Will not be enlightened. 
Who wants to be someone, 
Will not become lordly. 
Who flatters himself, 
Stays idle. 
Who straddles like a peacock, 🦚 
Will not be elevated" 

© 2037 by Torsten Slama and the TTS®


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